We at Anand Vihar, under the able guidance and vision of Aastha foundation, work to help and guide the children from the local community of below poverty line, poor income group (daily wagers and laborer’s). We help them attain basic education by running an open school at the local bastis /villages.
Aanand Vihar faculty and management execute with the vision of providing quality education and real life skills to make them confident and independent citizens. Anand Vihar focuses on providing child friendly and child centric education with good environment.
We make this happen with various means and methods to make them understand with simple tasks, different activities such as Games, Music, Drama, Drawings, Videos. Anand Vihar Staff not only engages with the children but also extends support in terms of understanding their needs and counselling the parents. The disciplined involvement of volunteers and their zeal to help these children makes the herculean task manageable.
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