Speech Therapy

Speech and language problems are commonly seen in various disorders like I.D, C.P. Autism, Down’s Syndrome.

These problems may range from mild to very severe extent where in child is unable to even express their basic needs non verbally. Speech & language problems differs in each child though child is diagnosed with same disorder that is no two autistic children will show the similar characteristics of speech in the same way speech problems in two down’s syndrome children may not be the same. Hence, the therapy strategies also differ from child to child.

Aastha has a fully equipped & structured speech therapy department where the individual speech and language therapy plans are designed according to the need of the child. We are specialized in speech and language therapy for the issues like

Oral sensitivity
Feeding issues
And Structural Language therapy plans for the disorders like : Down’s Syndorme, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Hearing Impairment.

We also do the parental counseling at regular intervals as well as give home training plans to the parents whenever required.

Parents are also given opportunity to interact with our therapist whenever required.

Speech Therapy Centre

Contact : Mrs. Anushweta Naik
Phone : +91-9765185719 ( 9.00 am to 1.00 pm )

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